Saturday, March 21, 2009

The catholic Church

I have never liked organized religion on principal: Religion is MY set of beliefs, not what the Pope tells me. Of course i agree that there can be moral "experts" or people to come to for advice, much as you have a consultant in buisness. I could make a many page blog on the subject, but todays is on two recent acts infuriate me: "the Catholic aid agency Cafod is bound to uphold the official teaching of the Church, and it makes clear that it does not fund or advocate the supply, distribution or promotion of condoms."

So the church is against condoms. That is perfectly fine with me. But the idea that 1. the pope would go so far as to condemn them and 2. Ensure that people who cant afford them otherwise wouldnt get them is appalling. Who in their right mind can actually advocate the spread of AIDs? Even if we believed in a perfect world, there should be no condoms, we are far from living in this perfect world and people will have sex. To believe otherwise isnt just ignorant, its well behind the times. The church needs to stand up and say "We do not like condoms, and in a perfect world they should not be used. But if youre going to have sex, use a condom." And fund the condoms, even if they dont like them. Its the only morally correct thing to do.

The other thing is my problems with Brazil:
1. Many people by now have heard about a 9 year old girl being raped and getting pregnant with twins by her step father. "a Church spokesman says all those involved [in the abortion], including the child's mother and the doctors, are to be excommunicated." Is this a joke? There is evidence that proves nearly without a doubt she would have died if she didnt have an abortion. But wait... just when you think the church is bad enough, the step father was not excommunicated because repeated rape of two young people for many years WAS NOT as serious as abortion. This is just beyond my comprehension...

and 2.
A priest was suspended for advocating contraceptives and talking about problems in the church. Clearly the church needs to be open to discussion - We need contraceptives in some areas, letting priests have sex will stop some of the rape cases that happen. it will also bring people like the pope to realize that people do have sex, and need contraceptives.

1 comment:

H Yoon said...

I've learned about the Catholic Church in social studies classes in the past years, and I know that the Church was the center of many people's lives,but I did not know that the Church still has a huge influence still to this day. I understand that some areas in modern day life may contradict the Church's teachings, but that does not give them the right to 1) control a person's private life and 2) decide on the issue of abortion. The Brazilian girl's unfortunate story, I definitely do not get at all. They should punish the disgusting and purely evil stepfather. What's wrong with the world?!!