Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas shopping in the new economy

I have been reading for months now that the longer you wait, the more you will save for holiday shopping. In my opinion, this is true, but it is making things even worse with the media reporting it. As you see prices go down, the media telling you theres no bottom, youll wait even longer and longer to buy, causing these companies to lose billions. The newspapers are supposed to report the truth, but with thousands of pretty much the same article throwing out random statistics that are meaningless to the average consumer, and them all saying "buy later", its a wonder that people dont wait till the day before Christmas.

No matter what they do, its supposed to be the weakest season since at least 1969, and the only good news is that online sales are up for stores. Hopefully, sales will pick up as with 7 days till christmas, there isnt much longer to buy.

1 comment:

wkim55 said...

i agree with your blog. since the economy is getting worse now a days, people have trouble shopping around with the price change and the false report in the news etc.
but there are other ways to deliever your present without spending money. so instead of complaining about the newspaper articles, you can figure out a gift where you can save your money