Monday, October 13, 2008

Palin and decency

A Recent article about Palin today made me think. Although this is probably true, I feel that the author is a little to biased in the editorial against Palin. He talked about how just because something legal doesn't make it right. That is true, as we have seen over the centuries, with slavery and persecution, but the author is not the one to judge if something is right. If it should be made illegal, let legislation in the future be brought up to make it.

Although this was pretty bad, it was at least trying to talk about the issues, whereas the spoof. I realize the article is made to make fun of her, but really is the
"In addition, President Palin also signed an executive order banning abortions and legalizing rape and incest 'So we can populate our country and have our babies the good old fashioned Alaskan way'." really necessary? Even staunch Obama supporters in my opinion would not want this comment posted, its demeaning to anyone, let alone a governor who could be our vice president. The entire article could be more of a joke and less of spite:
President Palin said this of Mr. Putin. "I looked in his eyes and saw a kindred soul. You betcha we had some very useful discussions about how to deal with the liberal elitist press and with annoyin' legislatures. He gave me some great pointers, and now that darned state trooper who we've been out to punish is layin' in a hospital with his hair and teeth fallin' out. And in the next bed is that feller who headed that darned 'troopergate' investigation."
Really? Disagree with her on issues, don't insult the integrity of her and husband with the insinuation that her husband would put people in body bags. I might not support the Republican party in this election, but I feel that the least the media can do is show all 4 of the candidates the basic respect all humans deserve. Much of the criticism directed at their campaign has been their avoidance of the issues, and the fact Palin had offered only one interview into late September, maybe if the media showed them respect then it could be an actual debate of the issues, the promise both parties made at the start.

1 comment:

The Nose Job Gal said...

Max, I agree with you on the point that the candidates had taken some harsh blows from the media prior to the election, but I also believe that some of the stuff said about Palin was deserved. Yes, the issues are the number one most impotant thing, but I believe intergrity is too. I personally would rather not have someone with bad intergrity leading my country. So yes, the article wasn't exactly the proper thing to write, but to an extent, the public want and have a right to know candidates on a more personal level away from ALL the issues.