Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 2: China

For over 40 years, the US and the USSR have been the only two nations in space on their own. With the cold war over, the US and Russia started to work together, to build the ISS. Now with the US retiring its space shuttle, the only country that had the capabilities was Russia. There could be possibilities to give our ties to China, maybe in exchange for Tibet's freedom, or one of the myriad of problems the US and China have with each other. We are already losing it, why not get something out of the deal?

The article does not mention any of this, this is all my own opinion, but the article does talk about how China is the third country to do a space walk. I am pretty sure the ESA has made it, and will add an article of proof if i find one.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week 1: Olympics,8599,1834117,00.html

I read this article a while ago and really enjoyed it. It throws in a combination of jokes with serious talk about why the olympics need to be overhauled, like how many minor sports with little or no television coverage may have upwards of 10 medals, and ones like soccer, the biggest sport in the world have 1 for each men and women.
Honestly, how many people do you know who watched the speed walking race (seriously, not as a joke), rowing, or shooting?

Therefore, the olympics should feature and spend more time on major world games, and much less on the ones that arent so great. It underscores Michael Phelps 8 medals, never saying he isnt a great athlete, only not the greatest. Just the best swimmer there is.

The final point was all the niceties. Here is where i dont completely agree. Hes right that baseball wouldnt be better with them hugging, but the olympics need some of that to keep our countries tied together. Imagine if during the cold war, our medalist and theirs started fist fighting. That would have been used for some nice propaganda, and could have led to greater tensions with Russia, and if enough brawls happened, maybe an actual war. Sometimes we need to be nice, not for the fans, but for the safety of our world.